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Stitch Sampler: The Ultimate Visual Dictionary to Over 200 Classic Stitches

02.12.2014, 20:40
Stitch Sampler: The Ultimate Visual Dictionary to Over 200 Classic Stitches скачать Название: Stitch Sampler: The Ultimate Visual Dictionary to Over 200 Classic Stitches (1999)
Страниц: 157
Формат: .jpg
Язык: английский
Размер, Mb: 33,4
Краткий обзор:

В книге представлены различные виды стежков и даны подробные инструкции по их выполнению.

This beautiful book, divided into two easy-to-use sections, is loaded with enticing and accessible photographs. Part One consists of both traditional and contemporary techniques, grouped into 14 families of related stitches. This clear and concise shows readers how to use and combine every stitch to achieve the best decorative and textural effects. Part Two contains photographs of the basic equipment needed, as well as techniques demonstrating how to design projects, prepare fabrics, and transfer designs using templates. Also included is a section on how the choice of fabrics and threads in varying combinations produces varying effects. Finally, a special section features ways to care for fine finished pieces.

Stitch Sampler: The Ultimate Visual Dictionary to Over 200 Classic Stitches Книги для рукодельниц:

Категория: Вышивание | Добавил пользователь: Krestik | Просмотров: 2397 | Загрузок: 531
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