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Celtic Cross-Stitch

30.11.2014, 16:18
Celtic Cross-Stitch скачать Название: Celtic Cross-Stitch (1997)
Страниц: 119
Формат: .jpg
Язык: английский
Размер, Mb: 72,8
Краткий обзор:

Interest in Celtic design as applied to needlework has been increasing, with The Book of Kells and other manuscript treasures proving to be rich sources of design ideas. Designer Vickery has made good use of these sources for his own beautifully striking designs. The major part of his book consists of border designs and a fantastic original alphabet. Also included are several pictorial designs in sampler style. Lawther's (Christmas Craft Sourcebook, LJ 8/95) designs are adaptations of Celtic sources, particularly as they apply to knotwork and alphabets. Lawther also includes general instructions for working cross-stitch. Many of her projects very effectively use lines of black cross-stich for outline and separation, providing an alternative to the backstitch outlines frequently found in modern cross-stitch. Both books have step-by-step projects with full-color charts. In both books, a very effective use of vibrant color contrasts with the more subdued designs found in Angela Wainwright's Celtic Cross Stitch Samplers (Cassell/Sterling, 1995), which uses many of the same sources. Needleworkers will find these books inspiring sources of patterns for clothing and accessories as well as household items.

Книга популярного дизайнера со схемами кельтских узоров и буквами алфавита.

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