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Blackwork. Essential Stitch Guide

28.12.2014, 14:47
Blackwork. Essential Stitch Guide скачать Название: Blackwork. Essential Stitch Guide (2011)
Страниц: 51
Формат: .jpg
Язык: английский
Размер, Mb: 41,1
Краткий обзор:

Книга по вышивке в технике блэкворк. Показаны разные виды стежков, к которым даны подробные иллюстрации.

Exquisite and timeless, the needlework portrayed in these guides promotes the Royal School of Needlework’s mission to keep the art of hand embroidery alive in the 21st century. Focusing on some of the oldest and most essential stitches and patterns, the books in this craft series are spiral-bound and lay flat on the table. Step-by-step photographic instructions on framing and transferring designs are included, as are introductory histories to each technique. Sections of patterns, along with pictures of finished pieces that demonstrate how to correctly use the patterns, help crafters take their needlework to new heights of artistry.

Blackwork—the technique of stitching black thread onto white- or cream-colored linen and using shading and outlining to create dramatic effects—is the focus of this stunning needlework manual.

Blackwork. Essential Stitch Guide Книги для рукодельниц:

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