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Victorian Lace today

22.01.2015, 19:22
Victorian Lace today скачать Название: Victorian Lace today (2006)
Страниц: 192
Формат: .djvu
Язык: английский
Размер, Mb: 18,4
Краткий обзор: Викторианские кружева в современном прочтении - шали, палантины, шарфы.
Within this compendium, the very first knitting books have been translated from sketchy, often-inaccurate instructions into richly-colored, exciting patterns for modern-day accessories. This blend of history, mystery, and hands-on technique debunks myths about Victorian life as it inspires beginners and ambitious knitters alike. Included are instructions for Victorian lace as the Victorians never saw it—in glorious detail, up-close and on location in and around Cambridge, England. The lace patterns progress from the first, most basic, edgings to the sophistication of "real" lace. Forty patterns are included—scarves and shawls, capes, and fichus—with comprehensive information on the tools and techniques of lace knitting for beginners and enough challenges to keep experienced or ambitious knitters engaged. Delicate and decorative, historical lace patterns are within the reach of today's knitters in this book of adventurous ideas with a vintage touch.

Victorian Lace today Книги для рукодельниц:

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