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Knitting Never Felt Better*the definite guide to fabulous felting

22.01.2015, 19:02
Knitting Never Felt Better*the definite guide to fabulous felting скачать Название: Knitting Never Felt Better*the definite guide to fabulous felting (2007)
Страниц: 177
Формат: .jpg
Язык: английский
Размер, Mb: 19,9
Краткий обзор: With her signature style, the bestselling and beloved needlework author Nicky Epstein offers the best guide to felting. Using ten chic garments and more than 150 stunning sample swatches as examples, she covers the top techniques for turning wool yarn into vibrant and dense textures. Before and after shots show how different fabrics react to the process, and there are patterns, stitches, and techniques for lace, mosaics, cables, plaids, checks, and quilting. Create bobbles, appliques, and ruffles; combine yarns; and use clamps, marbles, cords, braids, and more to form three-dimensional shapes in the felt. Epstein also presents her unique ideas for transforming old clothes and accessories, using one sweater to demonstrate many design possibilities. An array of attractive home decor projects completes the collection beautifully.

Knitting Never Felt Better*the definite guide to fabulous felting Книги для рукодельниц:

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