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200 crochet tips, techniques&trade secrets (Вязание крючком)

07.02.2015, 18:04
200 crochet tips, techniques&trade secrets (Вязание крючком) скачать Название: 200 crochet tips, techniques&trade secrets (Вязание крючком) (2007)
Страниц: 160
Формат: .jpg
Язык: английский
Размер, Mb: 36,7
Краткий обзор: The basics of crochet are very quick to master, but feeling confident about how to move beyond the basics and create a stylish, professional finish for all your crochet projects is a common dilemma faced by many crocheters. Presented in an easy-to-use format arranged by topic and cross-referenced, so you can dip in and out as needed for advice, this book offers hundreds of answers, fixes, insider tips, and secrets to help you along the way. Divided into sections that cover a multitude of topics such as: choosing the right hook for you, putting gauge measurements to work, fool-proof ways of turning, quick fixes for uneven edges, shaping with increases and decreases, how to make neat corners, marking essentials, dealing with yarn ends, choosing the right seam and even how to look after crochet garments, 200 Crochet Tips, Techniques & Trade Secrets contains a wealth of technical knowledge and handy tips. Aimed at all crocheters, from the beginner to the more experienced, this book is a valuable addition to any craft library.

200 crochet tips, techniques&trade secrets (Вязание крючком) Книги для рукодельниц:

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